With the new Charles Bubble configuration feature, you can now easily customize multiple bubbles, and decide where on your storefront it should appear. You can use bubbles to collect more opt-ins or funnel more users into WhatsApp directly from your storefront.


Step 1: Teaser Message

In the first tab, you can configure the optional teaser message. The teaser message is displayed inside a speech bubble after a number of seconds and draws the customer’s attention towards the bubble. Note that this teaser message is optional — to disable it, simply click the toggle underneath the tabs.

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To test how the Bubble will actually behave on your storefront, please use the preview button in the lower right corner of the editor. After clicking, you can see the specified number of seconds counting down until the teaser message appears and afterward you see the specified number of seconds counting down until the teaser message disappears. That helps you to find the sweet spot and create an optimal user experience on your shop website.


Step 2: Appearance

In this step, you are configuring the appearance of the bubble itself. For optimal branding and seamless integration into your storefront, we recommend using your logo or colors that integrate nicely with your website. Additionally, you can change the size and the position of the bubble. Note that the preview on the right is updated in real-time – it is exactly the bubble that will be displayed in your storefront!

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Step 3: Content

In the content tab, you are configuring the content that appears after clicking on the bubble. Keep things to the point with a short, and sweet message that engages your customers. Additionally, you can change the button color, the text inside the button, and the URL that the button shall navigate to.

Finally, you can generate the Whatsapp link that will take the customer directly into the chat after clicking on the CTA. Enter the phone number that is connected to Charles and a chat-in message that will be pre-filled in the customers WhatsApp.

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Step 4: Target

In the target section, you can define on a granular level, where your bubble should appear inside your storefront. First, you can decide between mobile-only, desktop-only, or to show it on all device types. Next, you can choose to display the bubble on every page of your website or on specific sites. If you want to select specific sites, simply define them by entering the path into the text fields below. Once this is done, you can save your changes and we will take care of automatically loading your newly configured bubble into your storefront.

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