Select Sign in with Google and log in to the account you use for Google Analytics:
<aside> 🚨 You need to sign-in with the Google Account that you use for Google Analytics Tracking.
If you are still logged into a private account or other business account, the integration will look like it worked but it will not show any data
<aside> 🚨 Ensure that the box is ticked which controls the permission of sharing your tracking data with Google.
This mitigates any tracking and accessibility issues later on (this option only shows up for some accounts. In all other cases, the permission is already given by default).
You’ll be redirected back to the Integrations page in charles
Go to the ⚙️ settings of the newly integrated Google Analytics app. A pop-up will appear
Select GA4 and enter the Property ID (you’ll get this in Google Analytics. See here):